Radio Alba
Scotland’s 1st christian internet radio station.
Based in Glasgow Radio Alba provides easy listing to christian music, song and chat.
Daily and Weekly Shows
Morning prayers to vespers
Morning Prayer
We have morning prayers of the church, children’s prayer and scripture commentaries from Canon Bob Hill.
The Lunch Time show
The lunchtime show contains a variety of services, music and our very own Newsnatter.
Evening Prayer & Vespers
Evening prayers and song compline and the Radio Alba Magazine.
Broadcasting now
Our day to day broadcast schedule
About us
Radio Alba is a Christian internet radio station and is sponsored by Glasgow Churches Together, by the music committee of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, and by ACTS.
We gladly welcome contributions and are particularly keen on promoting material from schools as we continue to develop our service to the community. We have already celebrated seven years of providing a range of Christian content – Morning Prayers, School Morning Prayers, Evening and Night Prayers, prayers for those who mourn, prayers for peace, and a steady flow of news from organisations such as the Scottish Catholic Observer, Life and Work, Sciaf, Open House, Flourish, Mary’s Meals, Vocation Justice, Justice and Peace Scotland, the Comboni Mission magazine, the Focolari, The Little Sisters of the Poor, ‘The Light of the North,’ ‘Africa’ Magazine, Medicines sens Frontieres, the Sailor’s Society and many others
Avg listeners/month
Hours Avg listening time
Here at Radio Alba
Here at Radio Alba we relie on the generousity of time from the many contributors who help make up our programmes; priests, ministers and layiety help provide the content for a variety of Programmes.
The Rev. Liz Adams, provides discussions on the latest topics via Chatterbox. The GCT weekly service features, among others, Fr Tom Magill and the Prayer for Children is conducted by various schools. Our very own Newsnatter provides comment on current weekly topics.
GCT Weekly Service
Featuring reflections from Fr. Tom Magill and others.
Chatterbox - Rev. Liz Adams
Informal chat on the current topics and more with the Rev. Liz Adams.
Our Newsnatter
Commentary on the weeks latest topics.
Prayers for Children
Prayers from Children for Childern.
Example shows
Canon Hill Reflection
Schools Prayers
5 Beech Ave, Bellahouston, Glasgow G41 5BY
0141 427 0293